Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rio Bridge!

This is the Antiro bridge. It is the largest cable bridge in EUROPE!
It was an amazing site! It was completed in 2004 just in time for the 2004 Olympics. The Greeks are very proud of this bridge because it tis the first project that they completed ahead of schedule.
To pay for the $110 million bridge they had to make it a toll bridge. I will never complain about my pike pass bill again. It cost cars $12 to cross this bridge and our bus had to pay over $100!!!!

A picture as our bus crosses the enormous bridge.

Me on top pf the toll booth walkway with the bridge behind me!

The Olympic torch was carried across this bridge one day before the 2004 Olympics. There was a huge celebration with fireworks and ceremonies. This is a statue to commerate that day with the Greek flag flying in the sky.

My feet finally got to touch the ocean today! It has been killing me to see the beautiful water and be so hot and not be close enough to get into it! There were some boats and a small harbor near one of our rest stops today. This little crab came out of the water next to me to say "Hi!"

This my friends is what I mean by winding mountain roads! We did a figure eight on the mountain side. This is on our way to Delphi. There is an aquaduct running down the mountain along the roadside. The views are amazing and our hotel tonight has a beautiful view. I swam in the pool after our long bus ride while looking up at the mountains. I just can't convey the beauty, you just have to see it for yourself!


  1. did the crab bite your toe

  2. Love seeing your pictures and reading about your adventures each day! How's the food? You said you were going to study the language on the plane ride over there...are you fluent yet? :) What's been your favorite place so far? Hope you and T continue to have fun!
    Miss you, Megan
